Verfügbarkeit prüfen
Ab 601,12 US$ / person
  • Erwachsener (18+)
    - +
  • Kind (15-17)
    - +
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Fishing Day Trip in Buenos Aires

Sofortige Bestätigung
Ab 601,12 US$ /person


  • Wann findet es statt?


  • Dauer

    8 HOURS

  • Startzeit

    • Start time: 07:00, Finish time: 15:00
  • Treffpunkt
    • Av Rafael Obligado Costanera 1425
    • Same as Starting Point,
    Buenos Aires, Argentinien,

Warum gerade diese Tour

  • All necessary equipment included
  • Increased chances of a catch
  • Assisted fishing


From Buenos Aires we set sail for approximately 30 to 40 minutes until we reach the heart of the estuary. We head towards the Uruguayan coast up to Colonia del Sacramento, 25 km away from Buenos Aires, to reach some of the best fishing around.

Our eight metre vessels are ideal for navigating the choppy waters of Rio de La Plata and ensure a pleasant and smooth navigation to our fishing spot. To increase our chances of coming across fish we let the boat drift with the wind and tide covering the widest possible part of the river. With complete tranquility around us it’s then time to cast away and wait for any catches.

If you join the tour from early May to September you’ll catch the smelt fishing season, whilst from October to late April you’ll catch dorado, tararira and Iberian nase fish. Equipment, fishing lines, bait and technical assistance are all included, so all you need to worry about is having a good time out on the river.

English and Spanish

Inbegriffen & Ausgeschlossen


  • Baits
  • Customised technical assistance
  • Drinks
  • Equipment
  • Fishing lines
  • Lunch / lunch box
  • Lures
  • Tourguide

Bitte beachten Sie

Printed Voucher. Print and bring the voucher to enjoy the activity.

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