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desde US$ 57.56 / persona
  • Adulto (0+)
    - +
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Laguna Azul: Paseo al atardecer en catamarán de vela

desde US$ 57.56 /persona

Detalles de la actividad

  • Disponibilidad


  • Duración

    5 hours

  • Hora de inicio

    From 1 May to 30 September 2022: 4:30pm

    Boarding closes 15 mins prior to departure and seats can be reassigned.

  • Punto de encuentro

    Dirígete a Sirens Quay.

    Llegue 30 minutos antes de la hora de salida.

  • Punto de retorno

    Same as the start point


  • Experimenta la impresionante belleza de la Laguna Azul a primera hora de la tarde
  • Nade, practique esnórquel y relájese bajo el sol más fresco de la tarde
  • Diviértete toda la noche en un lujoso catamarán de vela
  • Descubre la costa maltesa y visita las cuevas marinas
  • ¡Se aceptan vales impresos y para smartphones!


Enjoy a 5-hour luxurious to the Blue Lagoon, soak in the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea and party the night away on Europe’s biggest and most luxurious passenger sailing catamaran.

Soak up the sun as you cruise along the Mediterranean Coast, splash around in the turquoise crystal waters and tuck into the famous barbecue (optional purchase) with a cocktail (or two)!

Strap on your party shoes for an exciting time on the cruise and let the party continue in Paceville or Bugibba.

Incluido & No incluido


  • Cruise
  • Caves
  • Sailing experience

No incluido

  • Food and drinks
  • Masks and snorkels


Voucher information: You can show your voucher on your smartphone (But if you’d rather print a copy – that’s fine too!)

Check-in opens 45mins before departure.

Check-in closes 15 mins before departure.

Printed or mobile confirmations accepted.

Bookings will generally be confirmed within 48hrs. Urgent bookings will be handled before.

Special dietary needs must be given 24h hrs prior to the tour date.

The Captain reserves the right to cancel or alter the trip according to the weather conditions.

We reserve the right to change routes as well as start and end locations when weather conditions, shallows or other legitimate reasons so require. We will, as far as possible, inform passengers thereof in a timely manner.

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